Zissor Content System is a complete end to end solution for digitizing newspaper archives. Input can be scans from microfilm or paper in Tiff or JPG format, or direct input of PDF's to convert these. Output can be JPG, PDF and XML - all in flexible formats and layout including several XML standards. The System is typically used by libraries and archive institutions or publishers who wish to digitize their own archive and/or to convert PDF's to XML. It is also used by service bureaus servicing this market.
Zissor has a long track record in optimizing the OCR process in both quality and performance - specialized for newspapers and magazines - for modern daily publications as well as for cultural heritage publications. The latest version of ABBYY FineReader 11 is embedded in our process, including the latest version of Gothic/Fraktur. We have developed productivity and quality enhancement options for optimizing outputs in an automatic OCR process including the possibility of adding external dictionaries for optimizing the OCR results. We also have efficient tools for quality control and editing when needed. This can be for checking article segmentation, tagging of articles or other metadata adding to a page/article. Again; it is flexible and adjustable from project to project..